Manchester Royal Infirmary

St Mary’s CE Primary School and Manchester Royal Infirmary:

A very special project ……

The Year 6 pupils of St Mary’s School have been invited to work on a very special project. The project has been brought to us by one of the parents of an ex pupil, Mrs Shipton.

Mrs Shipton works in the Palliative Care at the Manchester Royal Infirmary Hospital and began a project to create a room for relatives of very poorly patients. The aim was to make this room as relaxing and calming as possible and to this end our pupils undertook some art work incorporating the trusts symbol of a butterfly. Mr Hugh Templeton, an artist, worked alongside Year 6 to create the fantastic images you see below.

On the 6th Dec 2017 pupil and staff representatives were invited to the Grand Opening of the relatives’ room were Kathy Cowell OBE – Chair of MFT. Invited our two school councilors Katie and Alfie to cut the ribbon and officially open the Butterfly Room.

This has been an amazing opportunity for our pupils and the school to be involved in and we feel privileged to have been a part of something that could really make a difference to patients and their families.