Other Worship in School

Diocesan Year 6 Leavers' Service 

A privilege to attend Manchester Cathedral alongside other church schools to celebrate their time in primary school and prepare for their move to secondary school. Joyous singing and celebrations concluding with prayers which we shared and exchanged with other schools.




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St Mary's Welcomes Reception Class 2023

Our new September starters in EYFS were officially welcomed to the St Mary’s family during a special ‘buddies’ worship and assembly led by Year 6 and their new friends. It was a culmination of several weeks’ get-togethers where the pupils ate lunch together, played together and learned lots together too! They read, wrote, cut, coloured, glued and drew pictures – in short, had lots and lots of fun!
The theme this year was ‘under the sea’ and the service had a distinctively ‘nautical’ theme to it – including a fun-filled rendition of ‘under the deep blue sea’! The story of the ‘Rainbow Fish’ was re-told and there was even a little bit of acting!
Mother Katy kindly helped to make the new starters feel officially welcomed, by presenting each with their own personal copy of our school prayer book: The Lord’s Prayer. Blessings were gratefully received and parents enjoyed their proud moment as each child begins their journey with us at St Mary’s.


Ash Wednesday Service 

The children took part in a thought-provoking Ash Wednesday Service. This was led by Reverend Katy Cunliffe, who was accompanied by Reverend Dorothy and Mr Sanderson to mark the beginning of Lent.

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Christian Groundbreakers

Pupils in school lead a superb assembly as part of our Christian Grounbreakers all about being Lost and the Found.

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